Student Composite View Reports

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Description Source composite table contains cooperative education information about the student population. .

Target Column Business Definition Database Data Type Source Name Source Column
ACADEMIC_PERIOD Represents an academic period or a portion of the academic year. Academic periods may divide the year into terms, quarters or some other portion of time. This is usually set up to track the academic data like enrollment to a more finite level than the academic year. VARCHAR2(6)    
ACADEMIC_PERIOD_DESC Academic period description. VARCHAR2(30)    
ACADEMIC_YEAR Academic year associated with the academic period. VARCHAR2(4)    
ACADEMIC_YEAR_DESC Academic year description. VARCHAR2(30)    
COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER Course reference number assigned to this section or schedule offering. VARCHAR2(5)    
CURRENT_DATE System current date (sysdate) or date the data was extracted. DATE



DOMAIN_VALUE Organization-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)    
EMPLOYER_CONTACT_NAME Name of the employer contact person for this student and work experience. VARCHAR2(30)    
EMPLOYER_CONTACT_TITLE Employer contact persons title. VARCHAR2(30)    
EVALUATION_PREPARE_DATE Cooperative assignment evaluation prepared date. DATE    
EVALUATION_RECEIVED_DATE Cooperative assignment evaluation received date. DATE    
FIELD_OF_INTEREST_IND indicates if the cooperative education experience is a field of interest to the student. Value is Y or blank only. VARCHAR2(1)    
MIF_DESC Institution description when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(30)    
MIF_VALUE Institution value for the record when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(6)    
PERSON_UID System generated, unique, internal identification number assigned to this person. NUMBER    
PHONE_AREA Phone area. VARCHAR2(6)    
PHONE_EXT Phone extension. VARCHAR2(10)    
PHONE_NUMBER Phone number. VARCHAR2(12)    
PHONE_NUMBER_COMBINED Combined values of the area code, phone number and phone extensions. VARCHAR2(28)    
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number system assigned to the cooperative education record. NUMBER    
STUDENT_LEVEL Level of study for the students program or course work. For example, Undergraduate, Graduate, Credit, Continuing Education, etc. VARCHAR2(2)    
STUDENT_LEVEL_DESC Student level description. VARCHAR2(30)    
SUB_ACADEMIC_PERIOD A session, portion or part of the academic period. VARCHAR2(6)    
SUB_ACADEMIC_PERIOD_DESC Sub academic period description. VARCHAR2(30)    
WORK_END_DATE Work experience or cooperative education experience end date. DATE    
WORK_EXPERIENCE_EMPLOYER Identifies the work experience or cooperative education employer. VARCHAR2(4)    
WORK_EXPERIENCE_EMPLOYER_DESC Work experience or cooperative education employer description. VARCHAR2(30)    
WORK_EXPERIENCE_OVERRIDE_IND Cooperative assignment override indicator. VARCHAR2(1)    
WORK_EXPERIENCE_TYPE Identifies the type of cooperative education experience. VARCHAR2(6)    
WORK_EXPERIENCE_TYPE_DESC Cooperative education type description. VARCHAR2(30)    
WORK_START_DATE Work experience or cooperative education experience begin date. DATE    
ZONE_VALUE Process-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)    
