Human Resources Composite View Reports

Banner Operational Data Store
Composite View Target: AP_PAYROLL_DOCUMENT

Description Contains payroll document (check and direct deposit) information specific to each payroll.

Target Column Business Definition Database Data Type Source Name Source Column
BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER The bank account number for the direct deposit. VARCHAR2(17)    
BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE The type of account for direct deposit. VARCHAR2(1)    
BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE_DESC Bank account type description. VARCHAR2(30)    
BANK_ROUTING_NUMBER Specifies the bank routing number where the money is to be deposited. VARCHAR2(9)    
CALENDAR_YEAR The Calendar Year associated with the Payroll Identifier. VARCHAR2(4)    
CURRENT_DATE System current date (sysdate) or date the data was extracted. DATE    
DIRECT_DEPOSIT_IND Indicates if the payroll event is a direct deposit. VARCHAR2(1)    
DOCUMENT_DATE Date of the check or direct deposit notification. DATE    
DOCUMENT_NUMBER The check or direct deposit notice number. VARCHAR2(9)    
DOMAIN_VALUE Organization-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)    
EVENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence of the pay event. NUMBER    
MIF_DESC Institution description when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(30)    
MIF_VALUE Institution value for the record when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(6)    
NET_AMOUNT The amount of the check or direct deposit. NUMBER    
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER Pay identification number to which this Employee_Position belongs. VARCHAR2(2)    
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER_DESC Payroll code description or title. VARCHAR2(30)    
PAYROLL_NUMBER The Pay Number is used to uniquely identify a pay period within a fiscal year. NUMBER    
PERSON_UID System generated unique internal identification number assigned to this person. NUMBER    
PRIORITY The sequence in which the documents are generated. NUMBER    
RECONCILIATION Reconciliation code that specifies whether or not the document has been reconciled. VARCHAR2(1)    
RECONCILIATION_DATE The date from the bank statement on which the check was reconciled. DATE    
RECONCILIATION_DESC Reconciliation code description. VARCHAR2(30)    
REISSUED_IND Indicates if this document should be reissued. VARCHAR2(1)    
ZONE_VALUE Process-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)    
