Human Resources Composite View Reports

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Composite View Target: AP_PAYROLL_DEDUCTION

Description Contains payroll deduction information specific to each payroll.

Target Column Business Definition Database Data Type Source Name Source Column
APPLICABLE_GROSS_AMOUNT Total gross compensation toward which deduction is applicable. The applicable gross is arrived at by taking the gross pay and reducing it by the pre-tax deductions and by adding to the gross pay taxable benefits. NUMBER    
ARREARAGE_RECOVERED_AMOUNT The amount of arrearage recovered this pay period. NUMBER    
ARREARAGE_TAKEN_AMOUNT The amount of arrearage generated during this pay period. NUMBER    
CALENDAR_YEAR The Calendar Year associated with the Payroll Identifier. VARCHAR2(4)    
CURRENT_DATE System current date (sysdate) or date the data was extracted. DATE



DEDUCTION Identifies the specific Benefit/deduction. VARCHAR2(3)    
DEDUCTION_LONG_DESC Benefit/deduction long description. VARCHAR2(30)    
DOMAIN_VALUE Organization-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)    
EFFECTIVE_DATE The effective date associated with the deduction for this pay period. DATE    
EMPLOYEE_DEDUCTION_AMOUNT Employee deduction amount. NUMBER    
EMPLOYER User-defined code used as part of the Employee_Position definition. It is often used, for example, as a means to identify different campuses within an institution, or different major functional areas. VARCHAR2(4)    
EMPLOYER_DEDUCTION_AMOUNT Employer deduction amount. NUMBER    
EMPLOYER_DESC Employer_Code description. VARCHAR2(30)    
EVENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence of the pay event. NUMBER    
MIF_DESC Institution description when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(30)    
MIF_VALUE Institution value for the record when the optional multi-institution facility feature has been applied. VARCHAR2(6)    
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER Pay identification number to which this Employee_Position belongs. VARCHAR2(2)    
PAYROLL_IDENTIFIER_DESC Payroll code description or title. VARCHAR2(30)    
PAYROLL_NUMBER The Pay Number is used to uniquely identify a pay period within a fiscal year. NUMBER    
PERSON_UID System generated unique internal identification number assigned to this person. NUMBER    
STATUS Status of the deduction. VARCHAR2(1)    
STATUS_DESC Status description. VARCHAR2(30)    
TAX_DEDUCTION_IND Indicates if the deduction is a tax deduction. VARCHAR2(1)    
ZONE_VALUE Process-oriented identifier for the record used to determine access authorization to this record. Institution defined. VARCHAR2(6)    
